Academic conferences
Rudenstine, S., Espinosa, A., Cancelmo, L, Puliyampet, P. (2019). Treatment goals as predictors of emotion regulation over 8 months of psychotherapy. American Psychoanalytic Association Winter Meeting, New York, NY. [Oral Presentation]
Rudenstine, S., Muran, C., Constantino, M., Eubanks, C., Samstag, L., Bloch-Elkouby, S. (2018). Training in psychotherapy integration at the doctoral level. Annual meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, New York, NY. [Symposium].
McGee, A., Rudenstine, S., Cancelmo, L. (2018). Difficulties with emotion regulation scale subscales mediate relation between adverse childhood events and adult distress. National Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY. [Poster presentation]
Egleson, A., Rudenstine, S., Cancelmo, L., Goldman, R., Wright, L. (2018). Child psychotherapy patients in a community mental health clinic: Clinical profile and reasons for seeking treatment and treatment goals. National Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY. [Poster presentation]
Wright, L., Rudenstine, S. (2018). Ecologies and intersections of child and adolescent mental health treatment: Access, utilization, and profiles of youth & families within a community based mental health clinic. National Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY. [Poster presentation]
Goldman, R., Gvozieva, K., Rudenstine, S. (2018). Feeling your analysis: Mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and somatization. National Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY. [Poster presentation]
Gray, K., Rudenstine, S., Tuber, S. (2018). The development of affect and defense in childhood and adolescence. National Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY. [Poster presentation]
Cancelmo, L., Rudenstine, S., Goldman, R., Wright, L., Morales, A. (2018). Treatment goals and clinical profiles at a community based mental health clinic. National Meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY. [Poster presentation]
Cancelmo, L. M., Rudenstine, S., Morales, A., Wright, L. (2017) Treatment goals at a community mental health clinic. Poster presented at the 37th annual spring meeting for the Division of Psychoanalysis (Division 39) of the, American Psychological Association, New York, NY. [Poster presentation]
Morales, Aura-Maria, Rudenstine, S., Cancelmo, L., & Wright, L. "The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Psychological Distress and The Psychological Sequelae of Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences." 37th annual spring meeting for the Division of Psychoanalysis (Division 39) of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY. April 2017. [Poster presentation]
Wright, L., Rudenstine, S. Cancelmo, L., Gray, K., Tuber, S. "Integrative Assessments: Exploring Child Mental Health and Well-Being Through 'Project' and 'Objective' Clinical Instruments. 37th annual spring meeting for the Division of Psychoanalysis (Division 39) of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY. April 2017. [Poster presentation]
Wright, L. Rudenstine, S., Cancelmo, L., & Pickett, L. "Cultural Humility: (In)Congruent Perceptions Within the Therapeutic Dyad." 2017 National Meetings of the American Psychoanalytic Association. January, 2017. [Poster presentation]
Wright, L. Rudenstine, S., Cancelmo, L., & Pickett, L. "What's in an identity? Self-Identification & Social Location in a Community-Based Mental Health Clinic." 2nd Annual Psychology Research Day, November 2016. [Poster presentation]
Rudenstine, S., Wright, L., Karlsburg, J., Punales, D., Harris, B. Psychotherapy evaluation and clinical effectiveness program – PEACE program: Bringing Comprehensive Programmatic Evaluation to an Urban, Community Based Mental health Clinic. 105th Annual American Psychoanalytic Association Conference. January 2016. [Poster presentation]
Rudenstine, S., Prescott, M., Calabrese, J.R., Liberzon, I., Slembarski, R., Shirley, E., Fine, T., Goto, T., Ganocy, S., Chan, P., Serrano M., Galea, S. Child abuse and psychopathology developed during or after deployment in a sample of Ohio Army National Guard soldiers. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Meeting. [Oral presentation]. Los Angeles, CA. November 2012.
Ompad DC, Galea S, Chan C, Frye V, Rudenstine S, Vlahov D. Correlates of club drug availability in New York City neighborhoods. International Society of Urban Health Annual Meeting. [Oral presentation]. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. November 2006.
Sherman S, Markham Piper T, Rudenstine S, Vasquez C, Hoover S, Stancliff S, Galea S. A qualitative exploration of injection drug users' (IDUs) experiences with overdose and naloxone in New York City. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. [Oral presentation]. Boston, MA. November 2006
Ompad DC, Galea S, Chan C, Frye V, Rudenstine S, Vlahov D. Availability and use of club drugs in New York City Neighborhoods. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. [Poster presentation]. Boston, MA. November 2006.
Rudenstine S, Ompad D, Chan C, Galea S, Vlahov D. Use of Prescription Drugs in New York City neighborhoods. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. [Poster presentation]. Boston, MA. November 2006.
Markham Piper, T, Rudenstine S, Sherman S, Nandi V, Stancliff S, Galea S. Evaluation of a naloxone distribution and administration program in New York City. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. [Poster presentation]. Boston, MA. November 2006
Ompad DC, Galea S, Chan C, Frye V, Rudenstine S, Vlahov D. Availability and use of club drugs in New York City neighborhoods. College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Meeting. Scottsdale, AZ. June 2006.
Rudenstine S, Galea S, Ruggiero K, Acierno R, Resnick H, Kilpatrick D. Disaster Education, Research, and Mentoring Center to improve post-disaster assessment. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. [Poster Exhibit]. Philadelphia, PA. December 2005.
Rudenstine S, Ruggiero K, Acierno R, Best CL, Resnick H, Vlahov D, Kilpatrick DG, Galea S. A Disaster Education, Research, and Mentoring Center. American Public Health Association meeting [Poster presentation] New Orleans, LA. November 2005.
Galea S, Kilpatrick D, Rudenstine S, Ruggiero K, Best C, Resnick H. National and international research in the aftermath of disasters: Education and mentoring for researchers. American Psychological Association annual meeting. [Oral presentation]. Washington, DC. August 2005.
Galea S, Kilpatrick D, Rudenstine S, Ruggiero K, Best C, Resnick H. A disaster research education and mentoring center: National and international research in the aftermath of disasters: Education and mentoring for researchers. American Psychiatric Association annual meeting. [Poster presentation]. Atlanta, GA. May 2005.
Rudenstine S, Galea S, Ruggiero K, Acierno R, Best CL, Resnick H, Kilpatrick D. Disaster Education, Research, and Mentoring Center. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. [Poster Exhibit]. New Orleans, LA. November 2004.
Kilpatrick DG, Galea S, Resnick HS, Best CL, Acierno R, Ruggiero KJ, Mullane S, Boscarino JA, Vlahov D, Fleischman A, Rudenstine S, Bucuvalas MJ. Disaster Research Education and Mentoring center. 38th annual convention of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy [Poster presentation] New Orleans, LA. November 2004.
Kilpatrick D, Galea S, Resnick H, Best CL, Acierno R, Ruggiero KJ, Mullane S, Boscarino J, Vlahov D, Fleischman A, Rudenstine S, Bucuvalas MJ. Disaster Research Education and Mentoring Center. Association for the Advancement of Behavioral Therapy Annual Meeting [Poster presentation]. New Orleans, LA. November 2004.
Continuing Education Workshops
Introduction to urban health American Public Health Association. Philadelphia, PA. December 2005. The epidemiology of disasters and their consequences: History, methods, research, and directions American Public Health Association. Philadelphia, PA. December 2005. American College of Epidemiology. New Orleans, LA. September 2005. Society for Epidemiologic Research. Toronto, Canada. June 2005.